Dead Club House

Dead Club House
Haunted House in Cambridge

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Homework due 9/13/10 - cool writer's site

Joe's Groovy Work
My playwright buddy Joe Dennison's site is a marketing tool; a visitor can view his work and contact the artist.  Joe describes himself as "a painter trapped in the body of a playwright" and has posted a variety of genre, ranging from his oils to his poetry.  I like the scroll of his artwork on the home page and his floating head.  I particularly like his head when it extends off the edge of the page.  The site is easy to navigate.  Links on the JoePaints page connect viewers to the galleries where he has shown his work and links on the JoePlays page connect to local theatres that have produced his work.  I found his explanation of visual and verbal influences interesting, but I know him.  I enjoy his artwork; it speaks in a swirling way that sometimes is dizzying and sometimes is grounding.  I like that he refuses to name his bastard paintings; they namelessly howl.  I will suggest to him that he should post his play synopses on the JoePlays page.  The JoePhotos page contains photographs of his artwork so maybe that should merge with the JoePaints page.  When I searched in Bing under his name, his site wasn't listed.  Joe is a very funny man; his humor is reflected on his site (especially in the JoePorn page).  That light hearted tone lends the sense that Joe would be (and is) an easy collaborator.

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