Dead Club House

Dead Club House
Haunted House in Cambridge

Friday, September 10, 2010

Homework due 9/13/10 - one terrib** writer's site

I don't like posting this; I don't like saying that anyone's work is terrible because someone must have expended energy and thought on it.  Still, the site I'm citing is certainly not interesting or compelling.

I found this British writer's site through Playwrights on theWeb, an international database of playwrights. 
Her name is Marion Baraitser and she can be found at

Her website title is a series of descriptives stacked like stones without mortar:  award-winning commissioned published playwright, sans commas and capitalization.  I've been commissioned and I don't include that in the definition of myself.  I usually add that dubious commission honor to individual work. 

Clearly from this blog's lacking decoration, I'm just learning the ways of flash but Ms. Baraitser's site's layout is very dull:  all black and white, one lone typewriter image, no background, no texture, and no subpages.  The information spools down in a long list.  Not even the arrival of a new section merits a bolding. 

The layout is confusing as well; funny how the absence of bullets leaves one feeling adrift.  In the Review section, I assume that all those seemingly random compliments refer back to The Crystal Den production mentioned in the first mention from The Evening Standard but I can't be sure.  In the Awards section, I don't know for what merit she received those accommendations.  I am baffled why she defines her work as Available Work; as opposed to her not available work?  There's a typo and she lists one play twice.  I feel sure that information is missing from the Other Publications section.  Do the British notate magazines differently?

The shame is her mostly historical plays sound worth reading and in 1996 she founded her own press, Loki Books.  She just needs a better web designer or an EPub class.

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